Understanding Gauges
Understanding GaugesReviewing the gauge system, one of the Crus DAO base feature
The gauge system
On Crus, the inflation is going to users who provide liquidity. This usage is measured with gauges. The liquidity gauge measures how much a user is providing in liquidity.
The liquidity gauge measures how many dollars you have provided in a Klein pool. Each Crus pool has its own liquidity gauge where you can stake your liquidity provider tokens
Trading mining
Users can get trading rewards when swapping on Crusswap. Please check out more details on "trading rewards" section on the "Swap" page.
Crus Pledge
Pledge crus can obtain the protocol governance token vecrus.By setting a lock time and selecting a due date, users can exchange for a certain amount of vecrus.Locking is irreversible but can extend the time by adding the amount of vecrus.But a user cannot have a crus with a different expiration date.
Reward distribution
One of the usages of crus is to motivate liquidity providers on the intraprotocol DEX platform and users involved in its governance.
50% of transaction fee revenue will be allocated by crus DAO. Detailed allocation plan will be adjusted by comunity proposals to balance the interests between liquidity providers and governance participants.
The weight systems allow the crus DAO to dictate where the crus inflation should go.
By doing so, you can put your voting power towards the liquidity gauge (or pool) you think should receive the most crus.
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